Along the way, I startled a couple of bunnies and surprised a heron. I'd been to a harvest festival service that morning, so it was nice to ride along the edge of fields that were part way through the ploughing and good-seed-scattering process.
Apart from the odd longer ride, most of my recent riding has been on the road; on my 6 mile-a-day commute. Since adding an extra 8 mile trip in on Tuesday afternoons for the last couple of weeks, my legs have been feeling pretty tired by the end of the week, so I wasn't sure how well I was going to go yesterday. Turns out, pretty well! I think I probably did one of my faster times around the loop (helped by not taking coffee, because Sarah nicked off with my rucksack so I was travelling light) and was climbing most things a sprocket or two higher than normal. I was even taking some smooth off-road climbs in the big chainring, which is not like me at all; I'm more of a spinner than a grinder.
I think it's down to my commute; two 3 mile sprints against the traffic every day, on a 32:15 singlespeed, makes you work hard to accelerate, and there are a few climbs each way too. My four mile each way trip on a Tuesday afternoon is done at a really high cadence (almost all above 100rpm, I reckon) which forces me to spin the pedals in smooth circles, rather than just pushing up-and-down.
Whatever it is, I hope it all combines to give me a better result than last year (last) in next Sunday's annual cyclo cross race.
Good luck for the cyclo-cross!
I'll need it :)
I did 6 laps last year, as did the bottom 6 or so riders. The winners did 9! 50% further in the same time...
I'm hoping for one more lap than last year, but might get more. I've been riding a lot more thais year than I had last year, and I'm not on a git-heavy 14" jump bike, but a proper light(ish)weight MTB. Iwas debating putting my thinner slick commuter tyres on, but wet weather's forecast for the next few days, so I'll just pump my normal tyres up harder.
[...] « Darkness is here Local loop ride I rode my usual local loop today, minus the little mini-loop at the top, because I was short on time. Went round with my l [...]
[...] Soggy ridin’ A very soggy ride around my ‘usual’ local loop this afternoon. It took me just over two hours, I think, but I was soaked to the skin and covered in mud [...]
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